Two days long “Taste of SEE Learning Workshop” was conducted on 5th and 6th April 2023 at the Department of Karmik and Adhyatmik (Choe-Rig) (DoKAA), Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.
The workshop opened with a traditional cultural performance by the Monpa Institute of Performing Arts (MIPA), followed by the welcome speech by Shri. Jambey Wangdi, Chairman, DoKAA, Shri. Phuntsog, Deputy Director of School Education, Tawang and Er. Thupten Kalden, Department of Hydro Power, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.More than 60 teachers from Government and Private schools from and around Tawang attended the workshop. Ms. Lobsang Wangmu, Flowering Dharma, (SEE Learning L1-falicitator) led the two days’ workshop.
This objective of the workshop was to introduce the rationale and the curriculum. During these two days the audiences were introduced to the first two chapters of the curriculum which focuses on Wellbeing and Happiness and Building Resilience.
The understanding of Compassion, which is one of the most important concept and foundation of the SEE Learning was intensively discussed on the first day of the workshop. The second day saw explanation of the pedagogical method of the curriculum. The participant educators were very engrossed in the topic and actively participated in the activities and provided their inputs on the subject. They also requested that such programs should continue and should be conducted for longer duration.In the closing, Shri. Genden Norbu, Assistant Director, DoKAA, delivered the vote of Thanks to the Shri Jambey Wangdi, Shri. Thupten Kalden, Ms. Lobsang Wangmu and the gathering and requested Shri Jambey Wangdi to present Khatak and presents to Lobsang Wangmu and Thupten Kalden la, on behalf of everyone present as a token of gratitude.
This was the first workshop on SEE Learning to be conducted in Tawang District, Flowering Dharma, DoKAA and the Education Department, Tawang will continue to work together to conduct many such programs in the future.