Meeting on the implementation of the “Second phase of Emory’s SEE Learning in Leh Ladakh” under the supervision of Ladakh Autonomous Hills Development Council Leh and Flowering Dharma’s International Institute for Culture & Ethics.
An extensive round table meeting was called on 30th Dec 2020 by Shri Tashi Gyalson, Hon’ble Chief Executive Councilor on request of Flowering Dharma’s “International Institute of Culture and Ethics”, principal affiliate of SEE Learning in the Indian Himalayas, to discuss the implementation of the curriculum in Leh. SEE Learning is a “compassion and ethics” based curriculum developed by Emory University, USA, under the support of HH the Dalai Lama.
The meeting was chaired by Adv. Tashi Gyalson, Hon’ble Chief Executive Council and attended by Shri Tsering Angchuk, Hon’ble Deputy Chairman (Education, Higher Education), Shri Tashi Namgyal Yakzee, Hon’ble Executive Councilor and Shri. Ghulam Mehdi, Executive Councilor, Shri Tsering Sangdup, Councilor, Panamik, members of Flowering Dharma and SEE Learning Facilitator Trainee from DIET-Leh.
SEE Learning was globally launched on 4th April 2019 in New Delhi by HH the Dalai Lama in the presence of Shri Manish Sisodia, Deputy Chief Minister, New Delhi, Shri Kailash Satyarthi, Noble Laureate and educators from 80 plus countries. It was also formally launched in Ladakh on 7th September, 2019, in the presence of Shri Gyal P Wangyal (former CEC), Shri Konchok Stanzin (former EC ,Education), Smt. Konchok Angmo (for Principal, DIET-Leh) and Geshe Lhakdor la, Director, LTWA, Dharamshala during which implementation of SEE Learning curriculum in the government schools of Leh was proposed. It was positively received by Shri. Saugat Biswas, then Education Secretary and its activities held in January, 2020 was financially supported by Shri. Sachin Kumar Vaishya, Hon’ble CEO/District Commissioner, LAHDC-Leh In the same month a presentation on SEE Learning was also briefed to Shri. RK Mathur, Hon’ble Lt Governor of Ladakh.
The agenda of the current meeting was to brief the newly formed council on SEE learning, the progress since the launch and to discuss its implementation in all the 330 schools of Leh District with the support of all the councilors from all the 26 constitutes.
In the two hour long meeting the concerns regarding the budget, planning and execution was discussed in detail taking feedbacks and inputs from the councilors, DIET trainers and Flowering Dharma members. It was suggested by Hon’ble CEC and the Hon’ble Deputy Councilor that a roadmap needs to prepared keeping in mind all the feedbacks and inputs. And a proper plan needs to be put in place to see that the implementation of the curriculum is fitting and is able to make the desired impact. Hon’ble CEC proposed that Flowering Dharma work closely with Hon’ble Deputy Secretary in coming up with the plan of action and assured full support from the council. Hon’ble Deputy Secretary and other councilors stressed upon the need of bringing about a reformation in the policies of LAHDC to support such cause. Hon’ble C.E.C also expressed to launch SEE Learning in a larger scale once the execution plan is finalized.
The meeting concluded with the agreement between LAHDC and Flowering Dharma’s IICE to work together in coming up with strategy in successfully implementing this curriculum for the benefit of entire Ladakh.