Talk on “Appearance is Deceptive” by Ven. Geshe Lhakdor la was held on 26th August 2022 at Thiksey Library, it was organized by IICE Ladakh and Flowering Dharma at the Shesrap Skyadtsal Ling Library & Learning Center- Thiksey. The session was attended by more than 150 participants from all walks of life including young and old. Students of Lamdon Model Hr. Sec. School and Islamia Public School.
In the two-hour session, Geshe Lhakdor la in very simple words advised how one should not take things in its face value and should rather develop the habit of critically analyzing things and then decide for oneself which can be understood as the “Wisdom” in simple sense. Later Geshe la talked about happiness and how to experience it every day by practicing gratitude.
Geshe la also explained in brief about the two concepts of reality namely “conventional reality and ultimate reality”, according to the philosophy. He also quoted “your happiness is in your hands, do not cheat yourself” in relation to how we often are drawn towards things that gives us momentary pleasure but has grave outcome, however, it does not mean that one should not enjoy small things in life but should not get stuck in it.
The talk was followed by a Q and A session, the participants asked questions related to Buddhist philosophy, middle way, how to practice self-compassion amongst others. Concluding the session, Flowering Dharma, thanked Geshe Lhakdor la on behalf of the gathering by presenting a Khatak.