Five Day Discourse at India Habit Centre by Ven Geshe Lhakdor la concluded on 10th March 2020, organised by Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH Dalai Lama where 20 Participants from Flowering Dharma was offered reserved seats. On the last day the team led by officer of Govt of Arunchal, Shri Kalden la briefed Ven Geshe Lhakdor about the schedule of Arunchal Launch of SEE Learning’ scheduled for July 2020. The meeting was attended by members of Flowering Dharma in the office of Foundation for Universal Responsibly of HH Dalai Lama, India Habitat Cenre, Delhi. The SEE Learning will be introduced in the two districts of Arunchal in the initial stage i.e. Tawang and West Kameng. He stressed that this is the need of hour. Geshe Lhakdor during his visit to Arunchal will also lead talk sessions in various institutions and also conduct 3-4 Day retreat session in Tawang. Thank You Shri Kalden La and Shri Jambey Wangdi Shri Jambey, Chairman, DoKAA, Government of Arunachal for your entrustment towards our group.