His Holiness Dalai Lama gave two hours special talk for the students from different North Indian Universities including members of Flowering Dharma. During the session His Holiness while emphasising on Ancient Wisdom Tradition told the students that Nalanda Philosophy and Quantum Physics goes hand in hand. According to the latest study basic human nature is compassionate. An individual’s existence is dependent on the community but unfortunately in the existing situation people are focussed on self centred attitude. On the other hand we have the ability to reduce that by the sense of ‘one Community’.
His Holiness while emphasising the importance of Ancient Wisdom Tradition said that the message of Non Violence (Ahimsa) and Compassion (Karuna) is equally relevant today. He gave the example of Gandhi ji and said that this Tradition should be revived through education. Nalanda Philosophy is based on logic and reasoning and not merely on faith. Thus this is purely academic in nature and should be implemented in the Education System.
Right from the Kindergarten the physical hygiene is given more importance than that of emotional hygiene. The modern education system is derivate of the the western system where no emphasis is given on the training of the mind but in contrary in India we have the Ancient Wisdom of Shamata (Single pointed) and Vipasana (Wisdom). India is the only country which has the potential to combine Modern Education and Education of mind.
On this note HH started accepted questions from the students and the session was over with a group photograph session. A group of 90 students on behalf of Flowering Dharma will also be attending yet another session during the talk on ‘Heart Sutra’ by His Holiness. We are extremely greatly to the office of His Holiness Dalai Lama for arranging these programmes for our students and assisting us in our small efforts for the preservation of Ancient Wisdom Tradition.