A 4 day residential workshop “Mindful Futures 2.0- creating a compassionate economy through applying Himalayan Wisdom Tradition- by examining past and present socio-economic structures through the lens of Indian Philosophical traditions with the aim to call into question conventional economic development models, and to inspire youth to take their future into their own hands through exploring alternative forms of progress that embody ecological, spiritual and cultural values”, was jointly organised by Flowering Dharma and Local Futures from 25th July – 28th July 2018 with support from Ministry of Culture, Government of India and Khyentse Foundation .
The workshop saw the participation of 30 students both local and outsiders with the majority being Ladakhi. In the four day intensive workshop topics related to Nalanda Philosophy, Strengthening local economy, environment and ecology were discussed and analysed. The scope of the workshop was to analyse global trends , and debate the benefits and pitfalls of modern development and the corporate global economy and to complement this ,local projects taking place locally and worldwide that represent the strengthening of diverse , self- determined cultures and economies were focussed .
The workshop also included interactive activities/games , creative projects and a field trip as well as film-screening , presentation , discussion and a traditional musical performance .
Ladakhi and non Ladakhi experts including Ms. Dolma and Mr. Tsewang Tundup from Snow Leopard Conservancy, Mr. Arjun Sharma, H.E. Rigyal Rinpoche, Ms. Katie and Mr. Keibo Oiwa from Japan led different sessions highlighting the problems & issues and discussing solutions. On the day one participants were introduced to the basic precepts of Nalanda Philosophical Tradition and Himalayan Wisdom Tradition and relations were drawn between Buddhism and Waste by Katie and the concept of Interdependence was further discussed by Ms. Dolma.
Day two started with a presentation on Ladakhi Water Management Practices in an era of change : Prospects and Challenges by Arjun Sharma followed by interactive spectrogram game to understand the participant’s perspectives on problems pertaining to Ladakh and global.
H.E. Rigyal Rinpoche led the meditation session on Day three and also joined the group for the field trip to the site of Ice stupa in Phyang Village where he also spoke on action compassion and the Go Green Go Organic initiative and the member Ice Stupa Project also explained the whole project to the participants. The day concluded with the screening of the Ladakhi movie “Jungwa” by the acclaimed Ladakhi movie maker Mr. Stanzin Dorjay Gya. Mr. Gya also shared his story and inspiration behind making of his film.
The fourth and the final day saw the concluding session in which the participants brain stormed on the issues discussed on preceding days. The afternoon session was led by Mr. Keibo from Japan who discussed about his slow movement followed by a question and answer session. Soon after that the workshop ended with Khatags presenting session in which the both participants and the organisers thanked each other.
“It was one of the best workshops I ever attended. The talks, discussions, interactions, and films shown has posed a very positive impact on my life. Everyday I go home full of knowledge and tell it to my parents and friends. This kinds of workshops are a must and an effective change maker in today’s fast paced high modern techno world. I am really going attend all the other workshops here so that I could also make a very positive change in the world or at least in Ladakh. Thank you so much for all the beautiful moments and of course the organic food. Had an awesome time” stated Ms. Stanzin Jidey Zangmo ( a participant).