On Sunday, 15th May 2016, Alphonso Club (www.alphonsoclub.com), many in just one, a social networking platform which incorporates – (i) Community Building , (ii) Social & Personal Wellbeing, along with (iii) Services such as Travel and Stay in Ladakh, Online and Offline Shopping, Web Designing, Management & Branding and many more, was unveiled and opened for public registration in a session held during the Weekly Philosophy class at the Tibet House, the Cultural Centre of H.H the Dalai Lama, New Delhi. The full day class was led by Ven. Geshe Dorji Damdul, Director, Tibet House, which was attended by around 60 people from different walks of life. It garnered response which was hugely positive and encouraging.
This online platform is an initiative of the members of Flowering Dharma Centre and Confluence, to connect people from around the globe towards the noble cause of creating “one global nation” and also to generate sustenance for the activities of the aforementioned organisations. At the end of the session Geshe la spoke of the need of supporting and encouraging the youths and urged more and more people to join this cause and support the Alphonso team in their endeavour.